Arpoeiras Beach - Acaraú(CE)

praia para a família

Good for family

One of the largest beaches of the city, its pleasant and peaceful atmosphere usually attracts many tourists during the high season. It is one of the busiest beaches of the city, suitable for all audiences. Visitors arriving to the place take the opportunity to relax, take a refreshing swim and restore the energy lost to the rush of day-to-day. Has a good clear strip of sand, the sea is calm, crystal clear, that looks like a natural pool. It is very suitable for swimming, especially for children and seniors. Beauty almost paradise, the place has a good infrastructure, with bars and restaurants that provide bungalows and serve food and drinks. Tourists can enjoy a snack by the sea, enjoying a great day at the beach. of Arpoeiras
DDD: 88
Praia de Arpoeiras / Oiapoque
Praia de Arpoeiras / Oiapoque

Conhece essa praia? Você considera uma praia movimentada?

At North:
Praia de Aranaú
tempo 5 km/h
At South:
Praia da Volta do Rio
29º Moisture

praia para a família

Good for family

One of the largest beaches of the city, its pleasant and peaceful atmosphere usually attracts many tourists during the high season. It is one of the busiest beaches of the city, suitable for all audiences. Visitors arriving to the place take the opportunity to relax, take a refreshing swim and restore the energy lost to the rush of day-to-day. Has a good clear strip of sand, the sea is calm, crystal clear, that looks like a natural pool. It is very suitable for swimming, especially for children and seniors. Beauty almost paradise, the place has a good infrastructure, with bars and restaurants that provide bungalows and serve food and drinks. Tourists can enjoy a snack by the sea, enjoying a great day at the beach. of Arpoeiras
DDD: 88

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